Sunday, May 3, 2015

Between Adventures.

Sometimes it is hard to imagine how large the party has grown.

 Well until you do something as simple as lining everyone's shoes up to have them ready for a trip in the morning.

Maybe it's just me...but I think we're running out of bench space.  The Party may be reaching its limit.

The kitchen window is at least no longer wide enough to cool all the oatmeal the Minions need.

Dash making hamburgers for the grill to cook dinner for us.  (With Papa's help)

These are from last month, somehow ended up in the wrong folder.  Skosh loves to eat Braaaaains.

Schooling update:
Being in Europa the Minions had the great opportunity to witness the Solar Eclipse that occurred.

We built shadowbox viewers so they could safely watch it happen.

They also found a HUGE earthworm that was also confused by the weird lighting.

What we could see as it happened, it was only a 80% eclipse from our location, but it still was fun.

Hummingbyrd did not look through the camera for this shot.  You can see the actual eclipse stage in the lower left corner on the reflection.

The shadows shown here would imply it was late in the afternoon, close to 6pm...not 11am.

A few days later we were graced by the presence of Greycloud for an evening.

Sadly Hickory was away on a solo mission and missed out.

The Minions, especially Skoshi, greatly approved of his return.

While Hickory was on his solo mission, life around the homeland continued on course.

Snuggling with Epic, reading random books, sleeping, and doing exciting skill builders like...

laundry and sorting socks.  Aw, come on you know that it is an important skill. :)

The Pinewood Derby was coming up, time for Dash and Grins to get to work on their masterpieces.

Designing, cutting, carving, sanding, and painting.

Time to compete. W5 is Dash's car, T3 is Grins'

The competition and how they weighted their cars down.

 They looked cool, speed was not going to be their strong point though.

Tigers were up first.

Go Grins, Go!

Next up, the Wolves.  Go Dash, Go!

Grins tried to watch Dash's car up close.  He got in trouble for his enthusiasm though. :p

While the Bears and Weblos ran their heats, the other Cub Scouts ran around the Beltapalooza completing different skill points.

Art work, communication skills, athletic skills, it was tons of fun for everyone.

Princess Lumpy and Papa were also having a great time.

Time for some silliness with the younger set of Minions.

Chubbly and Skosh thought this was the greatest thing ever.

Lumpy and Chubbly dancing together, then Skosh cuts in.

Alright time to sit down for the final rounds.

Top three from each group that will go on to the final heats.

Meanwhile our little Scouts were eagerly watching their buddies in the winners and ready to root their friends cars on.

Let the final races begin!

Some of the cars went fast enough they broke through the barrier at the end.  Lumpy didn't care.

The tie for second place race was the saddest, they announced the wrong winner at first.  Poor guy.

Thus ended the Dash and Grins first Pine Wood Derby, and technically this month.

However we will go over the mundane things of the following month as well in this post, so as to free up a whole post for our Adventures beyond our local area.

Finally getting caught up on Hummingbyrd's patches, all four boys working on "schoolwork", Skoshi is coloring, Lumpy was napping.  Our handsome older Minions being great big brothers.

First Skosh wanted Dash, then Grins, then Chubbly, he tried to have Lump carry him too.  It didn't work.

The first movie Skoshi has ever show real interest in and tried to stay awake to watch.

Disney's Hercules.  We found our Chunky Monkey some ice cream called Chunky Monkey.

Grins demanded we buy some, Chunky Monkey loves Chunky Monkey ice cream it turns out.

Sunsets and playground invasion by the Huns.

Hobbes climbs the slide and Core follows, while Skoshi shows them all how it's done.

Very was not as sure about it all.

Skosh could slide all day long.

Lotta and Very could too we're sure.

Pictures of the Minions at play.

Dash, Core, and Skosh observing the camera man.

Lady Hun and Penelope.

Lotta joined in with Core, Hobbes, Very, and Penelope.

Two Parties worth of Minions taking over the mountain.

Okay now freedom to run away again.

Penelope and Skoshi enjoyed the play-date.

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