Saturday, May 14, 2016

Image Capture Device Dump.

The following images were found on a different camera's memory card.  They are mostly from the tenth month of last year, but cover a range of events.
The last one though was so fun, I put it at the front.

Minions are like rabbits it seems...

Homeschool field trip to the free local animal park.

Lookong for the bear.

Found him.

European Bison are significantly saller than American Buffalo.

That does not mean they are small though.

So not concerned by our presence.

Well in preparation for the Scottish Games, it was time to pull our our last bag of Haggis and Black Pepper potato chips.  Yes, all the minions love this flavor, you are seeing Princess Lumpy begging.

For those unaware, haggis actually tastes a lot like good sausage if made right.

And it's off to the Warlord sponsored Scottish Games.

Minion art, it's a group effort,

Tree exploration.

Tire fun.

Cub Scouts are resourceful...

So when you live somewhere that you aren't allowed to have a campfire or go camping...

You have to get a little creative on your fireside programs.

Helping Papa pick out the right mask for Hummingbyrd.

So she could wear it to the masquerade ball themed party....this is a REAL antique katana.  It was amazing!

Birthday parties.

I'm sure we'll find other random pictures as we go through all the memory cards, but hey I'm making progress.