First stop? Why the site of Julius Caesar's betrayal and assassination. Largo di Torre Argentina.
The entire site/area has been turned into a cat sanctuary and only the cats are allowed access.
There are three temples on this location, and LOTS of cats.
On one corner you can go down to meet the cats and 'adopt' one if you so desire.
We of course had a great time...I mean cats + ancient history = Amazing!
Okay time to say goodbye to the felines and head onward to the Pantheon.
Pantheon is the building in the background...way too big to get the whole thing in one frame.
Did I mention that we tend to go on huge vacations when Hummingbyrd is 5+mo. pregnant? Yeah.
So after taking in the surrounding 'Roman-ness' we finally headed into the building. Huge is an understatement for many of the things we saw in Rome, this was just the beginning of that.
Dun dun duuuuuun.
"That is a big lady Mama."- Lumpy
Don't want to alarm you, but someone stole your Christ.
Oh there he is, right next to Raphael's leftover calcium deposits.
Time to stop and enjoy the beautiful statues.
The ever under appreciated, yet equally important Joseph with Jesus.
The Trevi Fountain is empty and being refurbished, but they were nice enough to leave a tiny puddle so you can still throw coins in and make a wish.
See? Tiny puddle worth...of course you could always be like Tesla...and throw over the glass.
Much wishing was had. It was getting dark, so onward.
Travel the world...encounter Linguistics schools everywhere we go. We are that cool.
Gelato break...and the best and only place Hummingbyrd has ever had black licorice gelato. So good.
Very Italian looking, no?
OH my! Hickory has located the Taxi Spawn Point!
We have found the Spanish Fountain...or at least the steps leading up to said fountain.
Looking cool on the steps.
We can do this...come one everyone, cooperate!
Okay that advertisement just looks a little out of place here.
Okay time for our first Sunset over Rome...and playing with our new camera.
We walked up to this fancy house, Hickory says it is important, some rich French family. He will look up the name and I will post more pictures of it and the sunset.
Oooo look, a lamp...why...OH yeah, look there is a lizard in that lamp. :D
Okay, he says it is the Medici House. We saw more of their estate...or at least a ton of the heads of family members carved out of marble on their garden grounds. Very Haunted Mansion inspiring.
Sunset was so pretty over the city. Too bad it got too dark to take pictures of our adventure all the way to our new lodging.
Good night Rome, see you in the morning.