Sunday, April 19, 2015

End of the decade at last!

And only four years to go before we are caught up again to the present year.
Welcome to the end of this year!.

The last two months of this year are filled with lots of beautiful pictures and travels.  You have been warned.

Autumn means adventures!

Playing in the sun.

Nature Exploration!

Sunlit is a great supervisor.

Nothing quite like a fall day to enjoy the Storyteller's Creations.

Sunlit looks particularly amazing with such a vibrant backdrop.

Hickory's favorite season and one he loves sharing with the minions.

Learning and loving it.

Time for some Climb Skill practice.

Chubbly is less than interested in all of the crazies.

Hickory expects nothing less out of Hummingbyrd.

Time to play with the settings on our camera.


Meanwhile Hickory consults his sun dial.

And home again home again.

Baby Burrito!

So we got hit by a deer...yes as in the huge buck ran into us from the side.

Too bad this was the only picture we got of him.

Now this lovely lady was more photogenic...and a bit scarier to encounter.

The raven agrees...

A Chubbly his legs look short here.

Illiyana wanted to help recreate a picture we took with Phengurpeynt.

Boy time and then off to the Highlands and the Tribe for the Great Feast of Thanks.

Illiyana came with us.

Chubbly chilling with Dash and Dear Old Dad, and Dash and Grins chilling on Granddad's couch.

Some more shennanigans with the kinfolk.

NOSE NUZZLES with Mama...and Lady and Lord Marine snuggle up Chubbly.

Ah, let the feasting begin, 'tis tradition here in the Tribe.

Grandmom supervising.

And now for a bunch of pictures of the following day.

Tribal scavenger hunt!  Each Party against the others.

AAAAAAAnd now for something completely random.   Dash was enthralled with the Holiday trinkets and their various utilization.  Grins looked on incredulously.

Here he declared his suit of armor completed.

Off to the Highlands for a quick visit with Great-Grandparents.

The best Tavern in existence!

Getting proof for Hickory.

Visiting G-Pa!


Snow Ice Cream, stil spoken of in reverence even today some five years later.

Trying to show Chubbly's super strong legs.

Bird tracks in the snow.

It's that most wonderful time of the year.  Christmas, when the Storyteller became a PC to walk among us.

Lord Hickory was finally able to leave the Warlords long enough to teleport to the Tribe and Highlands so that we could all celebrate Christmas together.

Time to head to the Highlands!

Hummingbyrd hanging with some of the Lords.

Loges and Lady History.

Male minion council.

Pop-Pop and Grandma watch the Minions Unite!


Gifts and giggles abound.

Lord hickory taking it all in.

Chubbly thinks Great-Grandpa looks like him.

Just a couple of basket cases.

Time to trek back East.

Thus ends the tenth year of the millennium.

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