Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who is Who Twelfth Year

So I thought it might be fun to put up a short post about each of us at the beginning of each year and see how each kid changes as the years go by.  I had a post similar to this two years ago and it had the pictures on the right with it, now we have a newbie, so the pictures on the left are the new 'year' and the info to go with it.  I thought I'd include the old ones on the off chance somebody who had been following the blog prior to my rewrite wanted to see the difference.

AKA Papa
Master of the house. Breadwinner, linguistic nerd, gamer, amazing dude who will probably never bother to read this so I can put just about whatever I want.  Loving father, awesome husband, compassionate man who loves the Lord our God...and is somewhat fond of me. :)

AKA Mama
Lady of the house, linguistic nerd, all around geek, kid collector/supervisor, cleaning lady, baker, semi-crunchy mama and goofball...you know, Me. :D

AKA Bug/Buggie/Koboldartig
5yrs old: Avid game player, fairly competent reader of 1-3rd grade books, lover of anything played on a screen.  Likes dragons & knights.  Learning compound words & Germanic. Currently loves cooked carrots, cheesecake, and chicken nuggets.
AKA Pup/Spiderman
3yrs: old Loves to draw, make up stories, loves any super hero, but favorite is Spiderman.  Likes to cook, the outdoors, and anything with fur.   Current favorite foods are Raspberry-Mango pie, chicken nuggets, and berries. Learning his letters and numbers & Germanic.

AKA Chub/Chubbers
Learning to talk, Germanic, how to walk up & down stairs upright.  Likes snuggles, naps, M.L. (Emil) Monkey, his Papa.  Loves to draw, look at books, building blocks, following & mimicking his brothers.  Learning that not all four legged small creatures are 'kitty-cats'.  Currently loves food...in general, but favorites are bananas, chocolate, and chicken nuggets (noticing a theme in the favorite meat department.)

~Princess Lumpy~
AKA Chirp/Frito
Loves riding in the Cow Carrier, her Mama, sleeping, Noms, her brothers, her Papa.  Learning to smile, who her family is, to make noise, lift her head up, and reach for things.  Loves her stuffed fox "Foss".

I will come back to write more later, but for now need to go get boys from kindergarten, assemble the grill, and clean the family room.

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