So first I have to say it is bizarre that I'm not able to access my own blog merely by typing in the URL. If I type it in correctly it auto corrects it to the German site. (yada yada at instead of .com) Which wouldn't be so bad if it brought up my webpage correctly when it does this. Alas, no, I get this oddly formatted and I'm not entirely sure it isn't an English translation of a Google translation into German of my page that comes up. Or I should say the wording of all the posts are all screwy and not at all the way I typed them out or how they show up in the "English" variation Plus all of my personalized formatting and imagery has been swallowed by cyberspace if I try to do this. So I have no idea what is up with that or if anyone else has this issue or if I'm just special that way, which I would definitely not put it past myself having that ability.
Anyway, and on to another equally strange but true thing. SO about a week ago we went up to "the city" to get some errands done and a medical appointment out of the way. While we were driving around we happened to pass by a large bird feeder hanging from one of the trees near the clinic. Okay so whoop-de-do somebody else likes to feed and watch birds like we do, why should you care right? I understand you on that one, but get this, the thing was swinging wildly in circles which is what caught my attention in the first place. Not only was it swinging around erratically, but dude there was a bright green and about 1.5' long parrot like bird on the feeder. Now this isn't inside some sort of aviary or somebody's home, and we by no means live in the tropics, so what on Earth is a parakeet doing out in the wild around here. As you can guess I was a bit stunned, so much so that I made Hickory drive around the block to go back and take a second look to make sure I wasn't imagining it and to show him and the boys this bizarre sight. Well I probably should have kept my mouth shut, since Hickory didn't believe me when I first said "hey look there is a parrot on that feeder!" and to make matters worse, by the time we got back around the block the darn thing wasn't on the feeder any more, but the feeder was still spinning from the inertia when it left.
Alright I admit wild parakeets in Germany just doesn't jive, but I swear I saw the thing. Well, proceed to be harassed and mocked about my imaginary parrot for the remainder of the week. I just figured I may have seen somebody's lost pet that was doing it's best to survive. Fast forward a bit to yesterday, we finally got our bird feeders out and functional and so today we have been having fun watching a couple of birds check them out. Now these are European songbirds, so I am not familiar with their names yet, so I decided it was time to brush up on my German bird knowledge, enter Wikipedia and it's amazing article on just that. So while clicking my way through all 500+ birds known to be in Germany I came across a category I did not expect to see. Squished between "Pigeons and Doves" and "Cucoos and Anis" was the heading "Parrots, Macaws, and allies." Under this heading was a single entry labeled "Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri (I)". The (I) means it has been an introduced species that can now be found in wild populations throughout the regions given.
So I clicked the link above to be taken to the page about said bird and the first thing I see is's that darn green bird I saw on the feeder last week! So I went ahead and red the article on the creature. Guess what?! They are and DO live in the wild here in Germany all along the Rhine in any Urban area, and then it lists several towns with notably sized populations by name. Among those cities named? Wiesbaden. So AHA! Not only did I see a parrot like bird, but it was in fact a wild one and would have been normal to see on a feeder in said city. Not a hallucination, and to be fair it is the descendent of somebody's lost pet, but it would have been many generations ago. It seems these feral populations got their start here at the beginning of the 20th century so yeah. Anyway, so next time you see something you swear you shouldn't be seeing but can't explain it any other way, do your research. After all I am the kid that found the Chinese Pheasant in a tree in New London, Iowa. Ended up having the DNR come and try to capture it as it appears it had escaped a local zoo/aviary and they were thrilled to have had somebody locate it. Luckily for them my mom and dad are also avid bird watchers and were more than willing to come see what I had found, regardless of the unlikeliness of it being what it was. Unlucky for them, it took off and escaped, but hey we did our best. For now I have more kids awake now then sides to snuggle them with, so I bid thee adieu. ~Hummingbyrd
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