Well as our High Adventure Campaign continues, we pause to bring you an update to everyone's character sheets, time to see who is leveling up, who is changing classes, or multi-classing, and where people are increasing their skills. So here ya go!
Class Changes:
It's big news in the Adventuring Party, Chubbly has leveled up and changed classes, from
"Baby" to his first "Toddler" level. What momentous event has transpired you may ask to
have us declare such a thing? Well as you may have noticed before now, Chubbly has very much been a 'binky' or 'paci' child, to the extent he wasn't even talking very much due to having one his mouth all the time. Hence the lovely collection we have acquired and stashed all around the house and car. However, just as with Dash and his thumb sucking, there comes a time in every child's life that they must decide to leave such babyish thing behind and step forward into the wonderful world that is being a toddler.
Chubbly has reached this point, and on his own began sleeping without a binky at night, which led Hickory and I to believe he no longer truly needed them. So we just quit offering them and slowly made them 'disappear' while letting him have one if he seemed to really need it. (Like after a particularly hard fall, or when he was sick.) Pretty soon even when these things would happen, he would turn down the binky in favor of some other source of comfort. After a few weeks of him never needing or requesting binkies and with Lumpy's arrival and him not showing interest in stealing her binkies at all, we thought it was time for the ultimate test. Was he ready to throw them away?
YES!!! In fact he was excited to get rid of his binkies and be a "big boy". He had a blast throwing each one into the GelbeSack to be recycled and has since been very helpful keeping track of Lumpys binky. He gets very concerned for her if he finds one and her's is missing. She rarely is willing to take it, but hey we're not going to crush his spirit with this. It is the first of many steps toward being the 'big brother' that he has to take. He is now talking much more and clearer, plus has begun potty training in earnest. Pretty soon we'll be wondering where did our baby boy go, and who is this tiny toddler running around? Ahhh, such is life in our household.
Dash has begun his levels in "Grade-schooler" a little earlier than most characters to. He is now reading very well and easily at the 2nd grade level. He is just beginning to understand his addition and subtraction table. (Well up to 10 that is.) We will begin formal homeschooling of Kindergarten curriculum in a few weeks. So he can begin putting experience points there. Luckily both he and Grins are attending the local Kindergarten so are slowly increasing their "Knowledge Local" slots. Which brings us to the next section.