Monday, June 8, 2015

Home again.

A breather between adventures, the ones you have heard of, and the ones yet to come.  Starting with just us around the house and enjoying springtime flowers.

Hey Epic rarely gets the spotlight...time for some puppy pictures.

Rapeseed (AKA Canola) fields.
Time for end of the school year pictures, starting with Skoshi.
Princess Lumpy, now level 3 has completed PK-3

Chubbly, will reach level 5 in two weeks and has completed Kindergarten.

Grins....uh yeah that's what we meant by smile...I'm sure.  Reaches level 7 in four days and completed 1st Grade.

Dash, level 8 has just completed 2nd Grade.

Somehow Hummingbyrd survived this last year of teaching.  Onward to the next year.
Time to enjoy the flower fields around our house before they mow them all down.

All the boys love flowers, we thoroughly encourage this.

"Mama, a bouquet for you!"- Chubbly
"And you I shall destroy slooowly."~ Princess Lumpy


Dash builds a Wizard's staff "To look like the one in Papa's picture on the wall."

Skosh tries out wearing a Goatee.
Mischievous?  Who me?  No way!