Sunday, February 8, 2015

And then there were Five.

Or Tenth Year, Sixth Month

In anticipation of Sweetpea's arrival, we decided to finally buy decent beds for the older boys.

Hummingbyrd tried out a Minion carrier design to appeal to male Party Leaders.

Time to put barding on the Rocking Horse so it can be a proper mount for our young Knight.

Wondering if Sweetpea will wait until after Grin's birthday...running out of space.

More wildlife.  There is a deer and the much loathed groundhog.


Row, row, row your stroller.

Grins reaches his second Level without Sweetpea's arrival.
Well now, ain't you a big'on

Leveling Up Cake.

Mmm, dirt and worms!

Grandmom builds herself a Macaw.
Last night as a party of Four the morning would bring a very fast arrival of Sweetpea.
We argued with the Midwives for most of the night over whether or not Labor had begun.  When Hummingbyrd declared the next morning that they were leaving NOW or they would be having a home-birth, the Midwife had to take us seriously.  Unfortunately for her, it was too little too late.  Sweetpea arrived in the elevator glass waiting area of the parking garage at the birthing center.  Hickory delivered Sweetpea.  It's a BOY!
If you don't do happy little Nomlette images, then you may want to scroll down quickly, he was a good little nurser with a great latch.

Proud Papa holding our newest party member, welcome to the high adventure of life Chubbly.

After a quick shower at the birthing center and a short nap, we headed home three hours after he was born.  Just in time for his older brothers to wake up to their new baby brother.  Commence Minion orientation.

Grandmom getting to hold a VERY new Minion.

Grins is not sure if he can still get love from Mama without her big belly, and this new small thing.

He opts to just love on Chubbly instead.

He is quite the short and stout little dude.

Lady History comes over for full on Minion love.

Oh look she broke them.

Such a tiny little guy.

Pretty sky.

And now for the traditional Bear photo session.

Chubbly will be playing the part of a Jedi and Hare A. Cleetees will play his padawan.

The Force is strong with this one.
Papa and Dash giving some love.

A Cup'o'Tea, or Mead, or Coffee, or whatever.

Tub time!
And thus ends the sixth month and also reveals who our fifth party member turned out to be.  Welcome to the Party Chubbly.

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