Guitar time with Papa.
Then off to Williamsburg with Lady Marine.
Multiple cameras result in very similar yet different with it. ;p
Colonial Williamsburg was hot and muggy, but oh so educational and fun.
Thrown in irons for being too adorable.
Busch Garden's Europe
Hot Air Balloon rides, never knew how big a deal this is.
Busch Garden's Europe
Hot Air Balloon rides, never knew how big a deal this is.
Meeting "That red bear and Big Bird."
Water Dragon riding, hope the Dragon doesn't find out.
The brave souls to ride that contraption.
Hummingbyrd had a blast being cooled by the water despite Grins' hesitation.
To the Bierhalle we go for dancing and singing and such.
The irony of all of this has not been lost on us.
Time to go exploring possible wedding venues with Mon-Mon.To the Bierhalle we go for dancing and singing and such.
The irony of all of this has not been lost on us.
Hey, we are always up for an adventure with these guys.
Especially if it means going out in nature.
Dash and Grins think this place is pretty cool. Or at least very colorful.
Time to play in the Wisteria.
Mon-Mon looking gorgeous as ever.
Baby bump and matching landscape.
We wandered off the path and got lost in a floral garden.
Surrounded on all sides by flora, luckily for us, Grins is a Ranger.
He located shelter.
Dash approved of his find.
With the lurking beasts, they took shelter.
Chess was played to keep us sharp as we waited.
"You can't play without pieces Mama!"
Too bad this locale required more gold than we were willing to pay. Onward, say goodbye to the frog boys. He won't read the story again.
A party in honor of Sweetpea's arrival.
Awesome set up where the kids had their own party room while we partied.
Then onward to a birthday party held at Speaker's home.
Much fun was had by all.
Hummingbyrd puts her sewing skills to use and begins a tradition sewing Dash a Quilt-A-Long to match Grins.
Modeling their blankets.
Only a few more months until Sweetpea arrives.
Feeling huge.
Our other Sixth Month baby prepares to level up to Level 2 by practicing his Mad Scientist image.
Some backyard exploration.
During this month Grins was sent to a Pediatric GI to scope him from top to bottom to try and find out why he is having digestive issues that are affecting his growth.
This involves administering 'happy juice' prior to the procedure. A (medically necessarily) drugged baby is a really funny thing to watch.
Grins had the sillies and really funny hallucinations, we later learned this is not always the case for kids.
His procedure went great and we walked away later learning that he had a protein intolerance.
Diet changes for all, and some good fun.
These pictures are mostly to show that getting a scope done is not very traumatic. This was minion #1 of many to get it done.
Silly Grins, "I can't see you."
We build a table for the Minions.
Dash gets to help.
Testing out the new equipment.
He colored hard.
Armor building practice.
Some prototypes were less successful than others.
Getting some Flippin' Pizza.
There be Dragons in this house!!!
Dragon Warriors.
Salute. En Garde!
Sunlit rushes to ensure all are truly playing fair.
Time to set up camp.
Back home because it's SPRING!
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