Monday, December 22, 2014

In the Summertime all the Leaves are Green...

Seventh Month of the Nineth Year of the New Millenium
It was time for a new family portrait.

Dash had taken to his crocheted blanket from Great Grandma B as a security certain measures had to be taken on days when he was not ready to relinquish it.

Greycloud brought his family to visit due to an upcoming jousting tournament, we all went to see.

The intensity of the competition had the boys riveted and ultimately wore them out.

"Why yes I did eat the entire pie myself...what of it?"

Dash fell asleep mid-prayers

Quintessential Grins faces.
Illiyana braves the collapsing fence.

The great battle against bamboo begins.

This is an evil battle, not for the faint of heart.

Dash completes skill challenges in the Bike riding feat.

Perdy fluwers.

Battle ready Hobbits.

Even though these are from over five years ago...Grins still gets about as much chocolate on his face when he eats pudding.

Dash came in and says "Look Mama, I have GIANT feet!"
Sunlit is actually a jungle gym...just ask Grins.

Progress on the fence replacement.  Hickory is doing an amazing job.

Fun with plants.

Aunt Jaz and proof that Lord Hickory assisted in the making of the quilt for Francois.

They start so young.

Not some point during this month Lord Hickory's contractual agreement with the Warlords came to completion and a new contract had to be drawn up Thus guaranteeing employ for many moons to come.

Eighth Month

Lady Hummingbyrd finally finds fabric that matches her hair color.  Time to redo it though.

Dash came out and said "Look, I'm a dragon RAWWWR!!!"

"Look I even have a tail!"

At this point we received notification that Grandmother's health was failing fast and we needed to rush back west to see her.  Shortly after that call another message was delivered notifying us that Opa was also doing very poorly and we should see him ASAP as well.  We decided to go ahead and visit the rest of the family while we were there.

Hummingbyrd's granddad, Dear Old Dad was part of the group responsible for the restoration and establishment of the USS Batfish.  As such we felt like we needed to go out and see the old girl.

The Mire Kingdom rallies together during this time.

Time to go pick up Hickory from the Teleportation station.

Cousin tub time.

Back to see Grandmother, this time with Papa.
This is a park just below the medical facility.

Loving on Grandmother and Dear Old Dad before heading to the Teleportation Station.
Off to see Opa.

Taking some classic Country pictures while home.

Time with Granddad and Grandmom is never time wasted.

Then off to Grandma and Pop-Pop's

Great Grandpa and Grandma B's house.

So it isn't the most exciting place for Minions.

Pop-Pop and Granddad on the other hand are very exciting.

Slanterman and Spooty observes all the Minions patiently guarding Grandmom.

Granddad carving walking sticks.  Just a sack of Minion.

Sadly it was time to say good-bye and head back home.  Opa passed away while we were at Pop-Pop and Grandma's.  RIP.

Next up. Fall.

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