Thursday, November 6, 2014

You Just Can't Hold a Good Man Down

Continuing on this foray into the past, here we go on a chronicle of our journey and the fact we just cannot seem to stay in any one place for very long, settling down is not what Adventuring parties do.  It just isn't, that's for the NPCs, we need them so that stories can be made and we have a good ol' Inn to return to to weave our tales.  So without further ado.

Using our teleportation devices, Hickory returned to the land of Eureka with Hummingbyrd.  For a fortnight they camped in the generous lodging of some of Hickory's new found companions. They did indeed seem to be our kind of people in at least some way.Once we moved into our own lodging they still had us come over on occasions wherein we could try and work out the most recent homicides.

It appears that Hummingbyrd should be wary of Lord Hickory at times.

We acquired two animal companions from the Mire Kingdom and had given them the appropriate nomenclatures of Phyngurpeynt (Fingerpaint) a female beautiful calico, and Ghotistyche (Fishstick) our huge loving but dumb male.
These guys were our buddies, although admittedly Fingy belonged to Hickory while Fishy was more Hummingbyrd's partner in crime.  They were a good set of starter companions/minions.

Alright so now that we covered that we love our Animal Companions (well what did you expect out of a Druid and a Sorceress?)  Now we can begin the catching everyone up to the present.

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