Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Six (Part II) Weddings

Eighth Year of the Millennium
Seventh and Eighth Months
One bottle of pop, two bottles of pop, three bottles of pop, four...
We continue the countdown to the present, Grins, Dash's first underling has arrived on the scene and to begin with though we must acknowledge that adventuring parties related to this one were growing as well.  Cousin J'Miah got a baby sister E'Bella at the start of the year.

Dear Old Dad and Grandmother verified she was a good addition to their Party.  J'Miah agreed.

In the Mire Kingdom, it was harvest time and many records of a bountiful year were being shared.

Granddad take time to show how photographers use picture angle to change and enhance the apparent size of their subject's 'Trophy Fish'.

Which picture makes this Keeper look huge?  Mmm tasty either way.

Papa knit me a hat...this was exhausting, I don't think he'll be knitting again Aunt Wiffie.

Telling Grandmom all about life.  Below: Babies are fun toys right Illiyana?

Discussing life and whether or not Papa and Mama's bed is big enough.

So you say our bed is too big?  Yep.  I love your honesty guys.

So do you think she's on to us Dash?  Nah, you sold it well, the bed will soon be ours! <sigh>

Alright, at last, it is you're crowding me.  Waaaait, come back this is too big for just me!

Shh, just let him think we've left him over there by himself.  Papa is taking his bed back though.

"And then they LEFT ME...all by myself Aunt Wiffie,"   You're safe now though.

It's okay little man, we didn't mean it, here come share my bed with me.

Opa came and visited us, we were very glad to have him.

After almost a month of visiting it was time for Aunt Wiffie and Grandmom to return to the Mire Kingdom...but first we must take them to the Zoo, after all, that place rocks, and Grins hasn't seen it.

Just some sleepy wild animals, Tortoises, Ring-Tail Lemurs, Aunt Wiffie, Dash, Flamingos, etc.

Okay, time to go little buddy, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!  Aww, come on we can get a picture to remember.

Nooo, you can't make me leave, I love it here!  Luckily Aunts make it all better.

Back home, we see that Grins will probably catch up in size to our tiny Dash fairly quickly.

Sir Just and Lady Jen came up with Cousins Conbon and Loges

Cousins playing.

Sir Just supervising from a makeshift throne.

As the eldest Minion present Conbon is good at teaching his underlings basic battle tactics.

A true Fighter he is proficient in all martial weapons.

Sir Just is proud of his little warriors.  So is Sir Hickory.  Now off to visit friends.

Sir Hunter and Lady Aurora and their minion Kenners, who is Dash's best friend.

Brotherly love.

How to put a baby to sleep in 4 easy steps.
1) Dress infant in renaissance garb, 2) place on shoulder 3) Wait and give kisses 4) Enjoy

Bathtime Fun!

Hickory and Hummigbyrd dedicate that they will follow where the Storyteller leads them and will raise Grins to listen to the Storyteller's guidance as well.

Dash is a very affectionate older brother.

Greycloud came to visit again, and as usual Dash was thrilled, and Grins found out why.

Just like we had Dash with his Build-A-Bear, we got Grins with his...but the picture of him IN the outfit will come later...we totally forgot to do it when he was tiny.

Eighth Month
This month begins the first whirlwind adventure of the matrimonial variety that this Party will go on, there would be several more in their future.  The remainder of this post will be comprised of weddings.

Wedding #1
Hickory took Dash our burgeoning Wizard on his first Teleportation.  They went out to participate in Greycloud's Party Formation ceremony.

Dash learns that Greycloud will no longer be a mercenary free to go where he wishes when he wants.

Hickory reassures him that becoming the Leader of a Party of your own isn't a bad thing.

Dash watches the weird dust ceremony, party formations are boring to him.

Finally, they are officially set on their Quest, now let's par-TAY!

Dash inspects visible change.

Dash loves to dance, so perhaps this starting of a new Adventuring Party isn't so bad after all.

Wedding #2
Off to the North to the wedding of another indentured servant of the Warlords of the Peach Kingdom who had since gained his freedom.  Hummingbyrd brought a gift of a quilt for them.

Hickory and Hummingbyrd were just part of the family once they got to the Kingdom of York.

Dash got all Spiffied up for the occasion and checked out the carriages for us.

This one seems alright folks, come on Grins, check it out.

The whole Party puts on their Diplomacy gear and gets ready for a night of formalities.

After a carriage ride, it's off across bridges and through gardens of beauty.

AAAAAAAAAAh Mama is going to drop me in the FOUNTAIN!!

Wait, I wouldn't dream of such a thing Dash, come back here, come back!

Now where did he go?....AHA! Gotcha!

Once night fell we retired to the interior of the Estate.

You need the amazing drink the guy at the Tavern just made.  Peachy and yummy, Grins says so.

After wishing the newest Adventuring Party well, we slept, then woke to more fun with our Framily.

After breakfast we headed to board a Magic Carpet that would take us from the York Kingdom to the Mire Kingdom and beyond.

Woah Mama, this Magic Carpet is enclosed!?!  Yep and comfy too.

Arriving safely in Mire Kingdom, Dash makes friends with Granddad and Grandmom's animal companions Slanter and Hendel.

The Duke of Navy and Cousin J'Miah and E'Bella.

Pop-pop and Grandma enjoying some Dash and Grins time.

Then Granddad and Grandmom have some fun with Dash, Grins, J'Miah, and E'Bella.

Time to play with Granddad, first game, capture Granddad's head.  Second game, Kippa the Granddad in his sleep.

I know no'ting Granddad...go back to sleep, we're going to go harass your Gecko Rupert.

He is one handsome fellow, isn't he?

Cool cousins

There was a quick flight by Dragon to visit Quickflaire and his family.

Then it is off to see Aunt Wiffie join an Adventuring Party with Sir Marine.
Wedding #3

Cake and food stuffs, mmm too bad nobody in the official party got to eat any of it.

Rousing accolades all around.

G-Pa, Nana, Granddad, and Grandmom.

Aunt Zanne cutting the rug, Aunt Rie-Rie chatting.

Let's get those photos done, Chop-Chop!

Sneaking away for a first dance and serenaded by The Emperor.

(Note to Lord and Lady Marine, our sound was lost when the hard-drive crashed, the video was recovered, but we lost the sound in the recovery.)

Dear Old Dad and Grandmother one last time looking healthy.
We shall continue The Eighth Month later.

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