Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here We Go Again!

So it has been literally over a year since I logged on last, so I am sure that nobody is going to read this, but hey, when a character sheet needs to be updated for a new campaign it takes time...patience, and there is usually a bit of procrastination.  Such is the way of things.  I am just going to come out and say I will not be updating this very often...well hardly ever and I probably won't bother going back an putting in the proposed updates for the Twelfth Month of the Eleventh Year, or such.  I am just not the blogger type of person.  I will update when I randomly feel like doing so, or if something huge occurs and I suddenly remember I forgot to tell people about it.
Speaking of which major things have occurred in this last year.  Princess Lumpy did indeed survive to her 1st birthday, and is approaching her 2nd birthday at lightning speed, in less than 10 days to be more precise.
Epic is 2 now, and as knuckle-headed as ever.  We moved, yep we no longer have the awesome fireplace at our old home in our old village, but we also no longer have over an hour commute to our emergency medical facilities and more importantly no longer have to deal with our dishonest landlord.  Bonus, we now live in a ranch style home, no more millions of stairs to climb up and down and having children destroying things two floors above you because you cannot see or hear them that far away.  We have tons of space in the new place, which is nice, there is a playground across the street which makes it easier to get the kids outside to exercise.  Also of note, we have added another character to the party, Skoshi joined us in early First Month.  Bringing the Minion count up to four boys and one girl.  Need to really figure out how to even those odds a bit I think.  Hmmm.  Speaking of that, he is currently expressing his displeasure at being set upon the evil that is the sheepskin in the crib, need to go make modifications and see if we can appease him a bit.

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