Sunday, November 1, 2015

Apfel Happel and the Blood Moon

Well before we venture into the 800+ pictures that comprise our trip to Rome, let's quickly look at the only other pictures from the ninth month of this year.

First, the Minions took part in a educational adventure to the local apple orchard.

Here they learned all about apple growing, juicing, picking, and processing.  As well as about apple flavor variations among the varieties.

This also included a fun tale about a giant apple that grants wishes.

Time to go pick apples for the fresh squeezed apple juice part of the tour.

Our group didn't do too shabby. Waiting for the juice though was torture for the smallest ones.

Mmmm Juice at last!

Pointing to their choices of apples.

Only certain varieties were ready to be plucked.

Chubblies did a great job.

Even Skosh was pretty good at it, and very eager to help and learn.

Interesting thing to discover on arrival to the orchard, a new train track is being laid right in front of the entrance, this has eaten pretty much all of the parking out there, but we are assuming it means they are going to run a stop out to the orchard as it is a huge place to visit and there is limited places to park.  Theoretically this will alleviate some of the congestion in future years.

Well time to head back home with our bottles of fresh apple juice and bags of apples.

Later on we got everyone up at 4am to watch the lunar eclipse of the super moon, also known as a Blood Moon.  These are the pictures Hickory was able to capture while the rest of the party watched from indoors.

Viewing it from the warmth of the abode.

Playing with the settings to find the best shot resulted in an interesting array of images.

This doesn't look real, but it was.

Anywho, that ends this month's normal adventures.  Stay tuned for Rome and then onto the tenth month before the eleventh month gets any further along.
~Hummingbyrd out.